
………………………………The fourth color is called………………….TURQUOISE……………and the inside of the hood and the inside of the jacket actually is turquoise…..but……..when this fabric is dyed the surface color always comes out paler………………..giving this color more of a South Seas Lagoon vibe……….a soft saturated Aqua………….NAVY is once again used as the exposed zipper tape as the accent….along with the SILVER zipper and signature PULL……..Your SILVER SIGNATURE NECKLACE, J320468 [two shown above], your SILVER SIGNATURE EARRING, J320884 and your SILVER SIGNATURE CHARM BRACELET, J325470 are the perfect choices to accessorize this or any of the jackets trimmed in silver………………..A259110, is the IVORY WK TN shown above, and I think it’s PERFECT under all of the colors in this Hoodie………………………………………………………………..enjoy…………………….much Love……………………….Louis