Feb 20167

………………………Another NEW color for the Pebble Crepe top is…..LIGHT KHAKI……a beautiful neutral……………….shown above with the CHESTNUT LINEA LEISURE slim pull on pant. The necklace is new, but the one above is the first prototype. I changed the construction from the ribbon to a chain. The ribbon knots between each bead make it hang wiggly wobbly……you will see the correct one in the show……it will also come with a matching earring as a set! I love how each bead has a different coloration and opacity…..like something from nature….Perfect for all your neutrals….It will be avail. later in the season so this is a double sneak peek……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Cathy in PA

    Wow, what a lovely color! Those khaki shades are tricky for me to wear; this one is perfect! One more for my April Mediterranean 19 day cruise suitcase 🙂

  2. diane bloch

    Thanks so much for the sneak peeks. Can’t wait to get my hands on this necklace. Is this the one you mentioned on
    your last show that comes in 3 colors?

  3. Goldie76

    “The necklace is new, but the one above is the first prototype. I changed the construction from the ribbon to a chain.”

    Louis, I really appreciate the way you oversee your designs. If something offends your sensibilities, it is surely “off.”

    1. Grace

      So true of Louis, Goldie, and worth pointing out. You have a knack for identifying the salient points, which I always appreciate. Wish I’d read the jewelry description before posting my gushy comment;) I get so excited with all the new sneak peeks!

      1. Goldie76

        Grace, I do the same. I’m very excitable and somewhat impulsive. Thank you for your nice comment. It just hit me, though, that Louis just will not “brook a bad look.” [Gads, haven’t had occasion to use the word “brook” like that in years. It felt good.]

  4. Grace

    Gosh, I missed that new jewelry!!! Wowza.

  5. WNYGal/April

    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule this wknd to post these. You are a mensch. Love that khaki AND those beads.

  6. MH-MN

    This khaki color suits me to a “T” so it is coming home to join its sisters in black, java brown, navy and ivory. I hope there will be a matching longer skirt or pull pants. When will we see the necklace? Can’t wait!

  7. Kate

    OMG, the new jewelry is crazy. I gonna want it all.

  8. Grace

    I’ll be picking up the light khaki–love, love this top. I have the white, black & navy and it’s a wardrobe staple Spring through Fall, especially when I travel. It’s on my must-have “Linea Basics” list.

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