Feb 20165

……………………………….NAVY……is such a natural choice for these two pieces that I had to do it……The SILVER zippers look fresh, clean and sharp, and really give an exclamation to the top. It forces the viewer to look at YOU!…….A simple earring is really all you need, and my beautiful PANTHER BAND watch in SILVER. I LOVE the SILVER CHAIN HOOP, both avail in clip or pierced. Of course the BOLD HOOP, DEMI HOOP and the SWIRL [also in clip or pierced], all avail . in SILVER, all look perfect with the top. ….Pair the top with the matching crop pant and a pair of sneakers….or for dressier outings a pair of silver sandals Then mix it with your white pants……in the case above….the WHITE Linea Leisure pull-ons. Don’t wait for May or June to buy your white pants. Smart shoppers know to buy them early while their size is still avail!……You always need another pair of fresh white pants. Jac washes one pair and sends one special pair to the dry cleaners so they always look sharp….Another way to wear this navy top is with a fabulous WHITE cotton or denim short pencil skirt…..The runways have been filled with pleats pleats and more pleated skirts. Maybe you still have your vintage Linea white pleated skirt to wear with this top and some RED sandals! I’m sure you already own a zillion things to wear with this wonderful Navy top…..Anchors away!…….,…….enjoy…………………….much Love…………… Louis