Sorry for any confusion I may have caused…..a little drama on a Friday morning to get the blood flowing!!! LOL……The Shetland V-neck has not been delivered to QVC yet. It was supposed to be a Dec. item. It will be delivered next week, but by the time it’s processed it could take some time so I would guess 2 or 3 weeks from when they receive, and that’s if it they choose to release it right away. When they told me there wasn’t enough inventory to air the sweater I hadn’t realized the new colors weren’t there, and they were talking about the low inventory of the existing colors……..You’ll have to be patient for a little while longer, but it will be worth it as it’s the very last item of 2016!………………….enjoy the day!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    Thank you Louis, I was just going to mention, we have been awaiting the new colors into the system and they are not listed yet.

  2. Deborah (a.k.a. Diamondscribe)

    Louis, thank you for getting us the info. I’ve entered reminders in my phone to make sure I don’t miss this one. I predict this sweater is going to be a fast sellout.

    I think those that sent it back last season as itchy, just tried it on, took it off and packaged it to send back. Because, after one or two washings, your faux Shetland is as soft and cozy as pajamas. I break out easily from itchy knits (wool or otherwise) so I’m a good test subject, LOL.

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