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I have some news.The A224875, new open work tunic and the leopard print jacket will not be on my Sunday morning shows. They have decided to hold them for some special event in July……..around the 16th. Of course, the Leopard print jacket can be ordered any time since it is a reorder and the new Yellow color is avail as many of you know. So far everyone who purchased it in the yellow….likes the color.. I have asked if it were possible to have the open work tunic avail for purchasing on the day of the show even though it is not planned to be on the show for those of you who want it NOW. I’m not sure that will happen…….sorry to disappoint anyone who was planning on getting it now, but it’s out of my control……………Louis

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. upallnight1

    Louis, will the new taupe-colored boho coordinate with the khaki zipper-trimmed blazer? They are different fabrics so we take the dye differently, but is it the same color dye? Thank you! Will it be on the July 31st show with the Kate shirt? Is the Kate shirt coming back in chambray? I assume the new light olive Kate will coordinate with the taupe boho.

    It was good to “see” you this a.m. You looked sharp in your white summer pants, black jacket and turquoise shirt.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear upallnight 1,
      The new Taupe boho does not match the khaki jacket. The khaki is more of a tan while the taupe is more of a stone color. It works very well will the linen trim on all the lace jackets from spring. Even thought they are different colors I like mixing the neutrals. Done correctly, it can look great. Again it doesn’t match the Sage jacket with the zipper trim either, but I do like them together. If you were lucky enough to get the natural color tank with the black flecks, this boho works perfectly. It will also work with the new faux linen herringbone coming in July. The Taupe is a very neutral, pumice, putty kind of color. I would not put the pale olive Kate shirt with the Taupe Boho….they are really different, however the Pale Olive Kate shirt looks fantastic with the Chili Pepper Boho….very South West. The Kate shirt will be on the July show, but who knows what planning will come up with, and yes the White and Chambray along with the new Pale Olive are supposed to be on the July show too……but one never knows for sure.
      Thanks for the compliment…..at 2am, when we have to get dressed, I just couldn’t put a tie around my neck!

      1. upallnight1

        Thank you, Louis. I am on waitlist for the light olive Kate shirt and am thrilled to hear the chambray is coming back in stock. Thank you! I would not have thought of putting the light olive with the new chili pepper boho, which was on my wish list. I was unsure what to put with it. Since I live in the mountain west, it’s now a must have for me! I can’t wait to see it styled.

        I love mixing neutrals, too. My mother, who, unlike me, has coloring like Jac, has always mixed neutrals and I think the look is classy, elegant and very expensive. No one ever guessed she’s always been on the tightest budget. Can you remind us when the July shows are? We are planning a vacation for sometime in mid-July and I don’t want to miss them. Thank you!

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          My July shows are:
          1-July 18. This is not a full show , this id an appearance on the morning show with the Leopard print reorder jacket and the new open work top. Plus there is a good chance I will be on PM Style that same night with a new dress.
          2-July 31st I have two shows, 4:00am and 4:00pm and this is the first of pre-fall and it is a jam packed show, if everything goes as planned.

  2. Judy

    Thanks for the heads up, Louis! I would have been confused,clicking around the website like crazy trying to find the tops. I am looking forward to purchasing both colors.

    According to the program guide in the Q magazine, July 16 is “Fashion’s a Trip” day, so I guess they will have you on the Morning Show, Q Check, and/or PMS. There are also two shows called “QVC Fashion Closet.” I have no idea what they present then. The previous weekend (July 14 and 15), is “Customer Favorites Weekend,” so you could definitely be scheduled then, too! 🙂

    Take care!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I’m pretty sure it’s the morning show on the 16th but I haven’t received a confirmation yet. My show is on July 31 so I will not be making another trip in July…..at least I hope so.

  3. Kate

    Well, July is going to be one fabulous month for fashion! We’re going to see a bit of pre-fall, right? Looks like fall is going to be all about lace (you, of course, are already working that trend with your lace jacket!)

    So, what we will be seeing on Sunday? Will your re-ordered maxi be be presented?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Hi Kate,
      The maxi dress is due in July. It was reordered about 3 to 4 days after the show and this is how long it takes to reorder the fabric. The mill has to reorder the yarn, [they don’t keep yarns on the shelf, everything is special ordered], then it is knitted and prepared for printing. Then it is sent to the printer, and then shipped to the manufacturer where it is cut and sewn and shipped to the QVC warehouse where it waits it’s turn to be processed along with the hundreds of items coming in each day…….it’ a process.
      There isn’t anything new on Sunday morning. It is a recap of Spring before my pre fall show.

      1. Kate

        Well, this should be one interesting show.

        Let’s recap: denim jacket and pants, colors gone and broken sizes; maxi dresses, colors gone and broken sizes; tie dye sweater, I think there might be one XL in stock; lace jacket, broken sizes, tank completely gone; etc.

        I hope you know how to sing and dance!

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Believe it or not there is still enough for a two hour show….LOL

  4. Barbara in Virginia

    BUMMER!!!I hope we will be able to at least order it. But if they are holding it for a special event, I doubt that they will want to open the gate.

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