I woke up this morning, let the girls out to frolic and play, and made my morning cup of tea. I was happy to see the rain has stopped after many many days, and the sun was out. I came to the computer to see the morning mail and read the news…..Then I got to face book! I’ve been hacked! Someone has used my site to spread untrue political garbage! True or not true, I never use any of my media outlets to write anything political or religious! This is not the purpose of my web site or my face book account, and I will not tolerate anyone using my sites to make such statements. I have read so many times about people being hacked, but you never think it will happen to you. My brother’s computer was just recently hacked. They demanded money or they were going to spread vicious rumors about him. My brother told them, in not such nice language, to go ahead and print it. They weren’t going to get a cent from him…To our knowledge they never did….I am very upset by this. I have no idea how many people they have sent this message to using my name!……Please know this…..if ever you see any kind of political statement that was supposedly made by me…..IT WAS NOT. I am truly sorry if this has upset anyone. It has certainly opened my eyes to what can happen. I feel so violated, and the fact that this is totally out of my control is so disturbing to say the least!……………have a wonderful day……………much Love………………..Louis

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    So sorry to hear your FB account was hacked. Occasionally I will get a friend request & gave no idea who it is — unfamiliar name, no mutual friends & limited FB wall activity are clues that its someone nefarious. I delete & mark as spam.

    With hacking, FB says to make a stronger Password to prevent future recurrences.

    On a good note,

    DH & I went to a wedding this weekend at the Farmington Country Club in CT & I wore the alabaster lined gauze crepe pants underneath the gauze crepe celadon tank & open cardigan. It was the perfect thing for a late PM into night wedding reception. I got a compliment the next morning from a woman on the groom’s side at the farewell brunch. She told me she really liked the fabric.

    I wore a creamy ivory sandal.


  2. Judi

    I deleted both my Facebook and Twitter accounts. There have been too many problems, I never liked the obscure privacy settings. The world is in turmoil, I don’t want to be part of the craziness! If I want to communicate with someone I know, I do so….I don’t need FB or Twitter.
    I can go to Jac’s page but I can’t read it. I’ll miss that, but I don’t want to be involved (I cringe watching the news!)
    I know you would never post anything political, controversial or disruptive.
    It sounds like you had an enjoyable day with the children. They must have thought they were transported into a fairyland seeing Jac’s Doll room. I bet they can’t wait to visit Uncle Louis again!

  3. luvitorleaveit

    Oh my goodness besides Facebook facing a mess of problems recently; it was just on the news the other day about that crazy hacking and so many other types…..it’s crazy.

  4. Goldie76

    Totally repugnant! I am so sorry this happened to you, Louis. I read today that the Russians have shifted their focus from influencing our elections to our power grid. Not liking that in the least.

  5. Pamela

    Sorry about your trouble with facebook the hack and the financial turn yesterday. Meanwhile, I have been playing in my closet this morning ,trying new ponte pant colors and new pebble crepe. Bought the crops but again am really too petite to carry the wider leg in a crop paired with a wide top. I did however try the boatneck tunics with your slim leg stretch.LOVE the silhouette. The light khaki looks great with dark khaki, teal or merlot. Then added grey wood necklace to khaki, alabaster beads to teal and sangria necklace to merlot, of course with Etruscan or gold cross etc to pair, Wowza! NOW requesting those slim pants (only in reg but that works actually), in teal, merlot and dark amber please…thanks Louis. Pamela in the SS

    1. Donna Aflague

      Hi Pamela,
      If I may interject… I am a larger size and the wider leg pant with more volume on top is not a good look for me either. My solution is to have the wider leg crops narrowed by my tailor and then I can pull off the look. I bought the teal pebble crepe boat neck tunic and the teal gauze crepe crops knowing I would have the leg narrowed. Hope this helps.
      Donna from California

      1. Pamela

        Thanks Donna! I will look at that as well.

    2. Pamela

      Sorry, didn’t mean to sound so self indulgent..just complimenting how srsly awesome the Linea works together
      and meant to post this on ask page.

  6. Evelyn

    Louis, So sorry to hear that you got hacked.The bad guys are out there & there is no telling where they will pop up next!! A couple of years ago we were notified by the IRS that someone had hacked into our Federal tax file & had filed a tax return in our names using our social security numbers .This person was attempting to collect a refund.Luckily, the IRS was able to flag it & shut it down.However, this caused us a lot of grief as we were advised to go through a litany of steps to protect ourselves. It’s ironic because we haven’t collected a tax refund in many years.In fact we usually owe money.
    It takes a lot of effort & knowledge to hack someone.I often wonder if it just wouldn’t be easier for these people to just get real jobs.

  7. Donna Aflague

    Sorry this happened to you Louis. It is deplorable that people try to take advantage of others. Anyone who has any inkling of who you are would know that you do not post content that is of this nature.

    Donna from California

  8. Bernadette

    Hi Louis,

    Nothing came my way and I’m sure if it did I would definitely know it truly was not you. 🤗

    I know it isn’t the best way to start the day but don’t let it set the tone for the remainder of it. We love you Louis. Have a terrific day with the girls!!! 🤗🤗🤗


    1. Terri (TexasMom1)

      Dear Bernadette. I know in my heart that all of you would know that I would never post anything like that…..Today should be a good one. my nephew [Godson] is coming with his wife and three children….all under 5! I’ve never seen 2 of them. We will go out to eat which should be an experience and then out for ice cream….another experience. I don’t remember the last time I spent time with such little children……I actually love kids….the more hellion the better!!!!! Hey, at the end of the day they are ALL going home! This is from a nephew who always said he didn’t want children. I guess his wife had other ideas!

      1. Louis Dell'Olio

        Don’t know why Terri’s name came up….being hacked again….LOL!

        1. Bernadette

          Louis, that sounds like a terrific day. I would expect that tonight you will sleep like a rock with a smile after chasing giggling kids around!!! 😍😍😍

          1. Louis Dell'Olio

            I’m home! I made it! Actually, the kids were very good…..they were kids. The oldest is 4 and notices everything and wants to touch EVERYTHING. You really have to keep you eyes on him and his parents did. The little girl is so pretty. I asked her if she wanted to go to the “Princess Room”? She did. So we all went up to see Jac’s doll collection. It’s always a joy to see a little girls eyes when they walk into the room with 200 plus dolls all lined up on shelves with organdy tie backs. a white picket bed. It really is a princesses room, and that’s just how Jac wanted it to look. After dinner we went for ice cream with rainbow sprinkles……Then off they went after a bathroom stop at my house. Just in time for the Yankee game. It was fun and they are beautiful children.

            1. Somersault

              Louis, so happy that you enjoyed your day. The very best part of young children is getting to see everything through their eyes. It is all wonder and the joy they have warms your heart. The amazement and joy on the little girl’s face must have been a joy to behold. I have no doubt that it did your heart good to be surrounded by your lovely family and to see the next generation before you. It is a sense of renewal and all that is good in this world. Blessings to you, always. oxoxox Cat

            2. Bernadette

              Oh my gosh Louis!!! That sounds like it was such a terrific day. I can just imagine all the delight, smiles, giggles, and warm fuzzies. I’m glad you had just a good day. 🤗🤗🤗. I just know Jac was right beside you enjoying and smiling thru it all. Xoxo

      2. Somersault

        Louis, you are in for an experience! Make sure you have a glass of wine with dinner! You’ll have a good time with the little ones! I am sure the little ones have been instructed to behave with Uncle Louis, so that we give you the chance to corrupt them! oxoxoxox Cat

  9. Amanda Barber

    I just saw the elephant one and agreed with wanting the end of trophy hunting, I did not see the other one. Why would someone want to hack one of the nicest people on the planet?

    1. Louis DellOlio

      I honestly don’t think they have a clue who they are hacking. Though I was told it was someone I “friended”!?

  10. April

    Everyone on fb gets hacked eventually. We just change our passwords and move on, but fb HAS been having more serious cyber problems recently, if you follow this stuff (don’t. It will just depress you). Take heart. I’m sure no one who’s at all familiar with the wider cyber world even for a moment thought it was you.

    1. Louis Dellolio

      I do follow it, Jac and i have stock in face book!!!???

  11. Sylvia Pickich

    We love you Louis, and we KNOW that you wouldn’t do that. Unfortunately, there are people that like to cause trouble. My husband deleted his facebook account because he got hacked. I like the good things about facebook, but there are also bad things… unfortunately…
    On a happy note, I wore the multimedia top in pink and cropped pants in ivory (with the Mardi Gras necklace) yesterday to my daughter’s graduation. She got her doctorate in nursing, she is a Nurse Practitioner. Even though it was very hot and humid, my outfit was cool and comfortable. I got many compliments, which I pass on to you!

    1. Louis DellOlio

      Sylvia, congratulations to your daughter. That’s a huge accomplishment!

  12. Sheesh

    Louis, it was likely sent to all your Facebook Friends. I knew the Elephant post was by you, but NOT the other political post. Those 2 women involved in that post that was forwarded are your Facebook Friends, I checked.

    1. Carol

      I think that’s how it works. Hackers use your friends’ ID to make you think it’s really from them.

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