It is CONFIRMED…..I will be on QVC1, this Sat. starting at 7:00am. Leah usually hosts this show, but Jayne Brown will take her place. I am scripted 3rd in the show with the new WHISPER KNIT DRESS, and then again # 12 with the new SHADOW FLORAL PRINT blouse. I hope you can all watch……………..much Love……………..Louis

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Rochelle

    I ordered both the green and magenta petite dresses and the moss crepe petite skirt and top in dark teal.

  2. Sheesh

    I’ll be watching–steaming hot mug of coffee in hand!

    1. Karen in WI

      Coffee here too Sheesh!

      Waking up with Linea…great way to start the weekend Louis!

  3. Ruth

    Thank you for confirming that appearance. I have my DVR set for that time slot. I look forward to seeing you and Jayne!

  4. luvitorleaveit

    That’s fantastic news Louis I will make sure to tape the show but the items should be posted and ready to order Friday night I would think.

  5. Melissa W

    Uh oh. I hope I can watch. I am helping to transport a cocker spaniel to its new home Saturday morning. Am so anxious to see these items on the models!

  6. Susan B

    Louis, will the tunic, A 341739, be on the 7:00am show on August 4th? I’m looking forward to ordering the Cypress/Linen color.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Susan….no, I thought it was going to be, but they switched it for the floral. I have no idea when they are going to post that top?

    2. Lynn H

      Just looked & it’s been posted.

      1. Susan B

        Thanks, Lynn, I’ve purchased mine.

  7. Grace

    Happy to hear the new dress will be on the show! I’m snagging my three, as soon as they’re available!

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