…………………………LINEA NAVY…………………a classic and an essential…..I have noticed that other “vendors” are now doing a “very dark navy”. When I first, many years ago, showed this dark navy to the buyers they were all afraid no one could tell the difference between this navy and black on air…..I told them I had always had a huge success with this color and I would make sure the difference was understood… Years later no explanation is need……All I have to say is this is “my” Linea Navy, and everyone knows exactly what the color is…….There are so many ways to wear and layer this top. Cardigans and jackets will all look perfect over this top. Above, the LINEA crop pant, A302601 with the new BRASS OX INCENSE BOTTLE…….and the Brass Ox hoop from the Exotic set of 4…..At the right the navy top over the blue FLORAL CROP PANT, A351474 for the reg, and A352729 for the petite. With that the gold Carnival necklace…..These are tops to enjoy season after season after season……They will never fade or stretch out if treated as they should be…..they will always look fresh and new……………….enjoy……………..much Love…………….Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. karen Bowles

    I’m in love with that incense burner, reminds me of high mass. does it open like the big one? I looks like it could. Thats another piece I’m gonna have to get. Thanks Louis, you’re the greatest.

  2. Rudewarr


    Looks like there will be three new tops added to my bulging wardrobe. The length of the sleeves looks perfect for this lady who has issues with her upper arms and the much loved fabric along with the colors are a staple for everyone. As soon as I saw the picture of the incense bottle necklace I had to zoom in closer. It looks magnificent! So charming and unique! I must have it! When will it be introduced? I hope soon!!! I have been on a brass jewelry kick lately, I love the muted color and I think it looks great against my skin tone.

    All the best,

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Kate, they really are “no brainers”. I’ve started my August sneak peeks with something simple…..something I think is for everyone….I truly have no idea when the August jewelry will be posted by QVC. You all will probably know before me. I don’t even have J numbers yet. I totally understand your attraction to brass jewelry. It has an aged quality that makes the pieces more subtle than a shiny silver or gold.

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