…………………….First let me say….the color in the photos is VERY inaccurate. It looks like a bright deep red….a very pretty color, but that is not what Cranberry looks like. It’s deeper, darker and has more wine in it. I tried photographing with and without a flash, but it just wanted to come up scarlet! I can say the wine Swirl and Pineapple necklaces blend beautifully. In some of the photos I tied the scarf in the back and draped the front like a cowl….Again, it was created to work perfectly as an accent color to the BIG DEAL blazers…………………..Cranberry is a beautiful juicy color!……………………….enjoy………………………much Love……………………Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Thank you Louis. I love darker reds and wines. I simply must have the sapphire, but I like the cranberry too! Have a lovely evening.

  2. Karen in WI

    Louis, is this cranberry the same as the cranberry embroidered WK sweater?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Karen…..I checked and they are very different….the sweater is much darker and more wine……the shirt is redder and brighter…….I guess there are many different colors of cranberry on the tree! LOL

  3. Chris/Jazzmom

    Love the cranberry blouse. It will go with the ivory plaid blazer, right? I especially like that cranberry torsade set that you sneak peeked it on one of your programs.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes Chris….the red stripe is so narrow that the cranberry blouse dominates

  4. Goldie76

    Thank you for clarifying what sort of red shade this is. Sounds yummy!

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