…………………VINO…………….is a deep saturated color. It has a little raspberry in it so it isn’t a brown wine……Compare it to when you hold a glass of wine up to the sun and you can see the rich color…….not the black wine but a little lighter so the color prevails……. I chose all of these colors so you wouldn’t have any trouble wearing these coats over many things you already own…………For me this isn’t an “outfit coat”, meaning you don’t have to have a specific outfit pulled together to wear it. It is meant to be a “grab it and go” coat ……………..Wear it over everything……………………….

enjoy……………………..much Love………………………Louis

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Oh this wine is such a pretty color. I usually would lean toward the all-purpose black, but this color is just too interesting. Sometimes it’s good to have a pop of color on your outermost layer. I always get compliments when I wear your teal-blue wool type peacoat in the winter. It’s such a vibrant color and I think it brightens your face and stands out amongst all the black.

  2. April

    This is color is absolutely gorgeous. For me, this is one and done.

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