Hi everyone………I hope you all enjoyed my latest “LIVE FACE BOOK PRESENTATION WITH LOUIS” from NYC. If you missed it or couldn’t watch the whole thing you can always catch it on face book or right here on my website……………….MOVIES……This past Thursday night I went to see “LITTLE WOMEN”, and last night I went to see “1917” WOW. Two movies that couldn’t be more opposite, yet in a strange way similar. I guess it was the struggle and adversity of life……….”Little Women” was a wonderful retelling of a classic. I have seen every version and the original with Kathrine Hepburn had always been my favorite…….until now. First, it was a beautiful movie to watch. The locations, the sets with their incredible authentic detail down to the drying hanging flowers in the attic, the furnishings, and even the wall paper was a feast for the eyes. I loved their home……..The costumes were fabulous. I would think they were Oscar nominated. I went with Cathy, the lady I work with on the jewelry,and our only criticism we had was the lack of a soaring score, which this movie should have had. After just seeing the movie we couldn’t even remember the music at all…..only the few times the piano was being played. Other than that it’s a must see movie.

“1917” a WW1 tale…….Talk about authenticity! The scenes in the trenches were incredible. You really got to understand what it was like………The two main actors were not familiar to me, but more than carried this fabulous movie. The cinematography was spellbinding…..certainly Oscar worthy. For me a tough call between the two movies………My one and only disappointment was there were NO TRENCH COATS!!!!!! LOL

These are two movies to see before the OSCARS!………………enjoy……………much Love…………………….Louis

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Carolyn, I am jumping with you! A faux suede skirt is wonderful news! I personally am hoping for a longer skirt as I love the thicker fabric for winter, but I will be happy with anything you design.

  2. Carolyn

    I’m jumping up and down! Fall can not arrive soon enough.

  3. Carolyn

    I love your faux suede and I’m wondering if you have ever considered making a shirt? And a belt (2” or so wide and 60” or so long) long so it could be worn with a white shirt (silk or one of your silky fabrics) and your suede pant with a belt tied in a medium bow and allowed to drape?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes Carolyn I will have a faux suede skirt coming next fall….no belt though.

  4. diane228

    Louis-Last night my friend and I went to the Fashion Institute of Los Angeles’s display of Oscar nominated costumes from this
    years films. Little Women was nominated along with Once Upon A time in Hollywood and JOJO Rabbit. I forgot the other 2. I’m always
    surprised what films don’t get nominated-no Downton Abbey or Rocketman. I though those costumes were great. Anyway we had fun
    and of course we were wearing Linea!

  5. Karen in WI

    Hmmm, i may be interested in 1917 after all. Shoot em up is not my style at all. If there is a story, I’m in (and not too much blood).

    Have a lovely evening!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      It really was not gratuitously bloody…..only where it was necessary to tell the story. There were so few movies made about WW1. It was the beginning of modern warfare…..I believe it was the last war a horses played a big roll, but they had no chance against the razor barb wire, the tanks and the artillery that the Germans started using. It was also the first war that planes were used. If I remember correctly 8 million horses were killed in WW1, and that’s not including the mules and donkeys that were used for transport. I think you will think it is a good movie.

  6. Karen in WI

    Louis, I LOVED your show from NY yesterday! I watched the video while I was cooking dinner and I will watch it again later. Thank you so much for the time you and the ladies put into doing this for us! Love Jennifer’s new haircut. Karen is delightful and I love her hair and smile. The gal that does the camera (Kathy?) did a great job and I was so happy with the lingering close-ups of everything, especially the jewelry. I really love the casual, neighborly feel of these visits. The noise from the street just added to the charm!

    Thank you for your reviews on the movies. I will have my husband take me out on a date to see Little Women. I’ll let the guys watch the action of WWI. Being the only female in the house, there is always an action movie on and sometimes I want a drama!

    Have a wonderful, relaxing Saturday! I had a coffee date with my husband and have just been relaxing a bit before I go down to the basement to make some homemade soap (a batch of almond with french green clay and a batch of grapefruit mint today). Hugs and love to you!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Karen don’t think of 1917 as an action movie. It is a major drama and a story I think you will love. It really is a sensational film and has been nominated for 10 Oscars. There’s room for both movies. I’m not an action movie person either, but this is far from those formula good guy/bad guy shoot em up movies staring “The Rock”.

  7. Sheesh

    For those of you who get Prime Video from Amazon, I highly recommend: American Masters: Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women”. It’s a fantastic look at her life–she had many trials and tribulations and overcame such adversity. Quite astonishing.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Shelia….I just finished watching the Louisa May Alcott story on American Masters. Thank you for recommending it. I thought the way it was told in the actual settings was very interesting and very soulful. You can really see where she poured her heart and soul into the book “Little Women”. I love stories about people who came before us and how they lived. Knowing that they are long gone is still a loss, and leaves me with a very melancholy feeling. Thank you again for the recommendation.

  8. Carol

    I have yet to see 1917, but fully endorse your Little Women take. I wasn’t excited to see it before I went, but it is such a fresh retelling of what has become an “old hat” story to those of us who’ve seen the many previous versions. Parasite is hysterical–highly recommend. The house where most of the action takes place is beyond fabulous.

  9. Chris/Jazzmom

    We saw 2 weeks ago 1917 and we felt (DH & I) that a half hour could have been removed from the movie without losing content. Some of those panned trench scenes were too long. Haven’t seen Little Women. Hope to see it soon. We did see Bombshell which was interesting but predictable.


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