……………….I have waited and waited all summer for the MORNING GLORIES to bloom…..but to no avail…..Franco told me they must all be male plants? How can you tell in the spring when you are buying six 3 inch plants which are male and which are female!?………Well, here it is almost November, and the Morning Glories have decided to bloom! I guess there must have been a female in the bunch!………….As the saying goes, “better late then never”………….Now all of Jac’s favorite flowers have had their day in the sun…………and I’m happy!………………much Love, Louis

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Wonderful pictures of the morning glories. Hurray, they bloomed! What a wonderful autumn gift for you to have Jac’s flowers appear.

    Everything here is sleeping for the winter now and I just have to get out there and do the fall clean up (I warned the boys there would be yard work this weekend!). I will be busy putting in my 50 yellow tulips, 70 red tulips and 3 allium bulbs before the soil freezes hard. I still want to do something similar to what you did with all the daffodils lining your driveway. I can spend my winter dreaming up garden plans, but I did promise my husband there wouldn’t be anything big this spring as I got carried away this past year.

    Have a lovely evening dear Louis! Hugs to you.

  2. Cela

    He’s such a sweetheart.

  3. Cela

    Well, you wouldn’t believe what I just found, going through my closet, making room for more Linea. A jean jacket embroidered with Morning glories!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Cela….I’m making a guess…..Bob Mackie???

  4. Jamie

    I am in Kentucky and waited for weeks for my Heavenly Blue morning glories to bloom.
    Finally on October 19 , my grandmother’s birthday, the first flower. I took it as a sign from above.
    Much love to you Louis!

  5. Melissa W

    Beautiful! I don’t think I’ve ever seen those before. Love that periwinkle color. 😊

  6. Cela

    Are you upset at me asking? I hope not, not my intention. Only trying to be light about it.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No absolutely not….why should I be upset about a simple question….we did have a drought, but I have underground sprinklers in the flower gardens.

  7. Cela

    Uh, Louis dear, you didn’t forget to water them did you?

  8. April

    Talk about an October Surprise!

  9. Jane J.

    Louis: Very interesting because I saw this week that my neighbor’s morning glories also just bloomed (nothing this summer)..

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Hi Jane….it is strange. I have planted the Morning Glories in the same spot on a white trellis for years. The have always bloomed late July and August until frost. Here we are ready to turn the clocks back this week end, and my Glories are just blooming…….as I said better late then never!

  10. Irene

    Glorious ! What a beautiful sign telling us that better days are ahead. Thank you Louis !

  11. Chris/Jazzmom

    From gardeningknowhow dot com: If your new morning glory plant hasn’t flowered yet, be patient. Morning glories can take a couple of months, up to 120 days from seed to flower, to burst out in blooms, especially if you planted the vine from seed. They are one of the last annuals to bloom in most regions, often in August or even early September.
    No morning glory flowers could mean the soil is too fertile, the plants aren’t sited correctly, or even that you have a late-blooming variety. … Too rich of a soil is often the reason for a morning glory not blooming, as rich or over-fertilized soil produces lush, beautiful foliage at the expense of blooms.

    Hope this helps. I didn’t see anything on the internet that indicates they have male & female blossoms like squash do. They are what is called a ‘complete’ flower like most annuals are.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Chris, that all very interesting info. I have planted the Morning Glories in the same place on the same white trellis for years. I haven’t treated the soil any differently, but this year that have waited until now to bloom…..I don’t care as long as they did bloom.

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