………………….There were Six additional pieces in the Designer Gallery. Starting at the left….the TN sweater and sweater skirt with wide bands of different shaped large black jet beads. We did them in Black, Red and Ivory. I had saved the photo of Truman Capote and I believe the publisher of the WASHINGTON POST. He gave this extravagant “Black & White Ball” at the Plaza Hotel. Every guest had to come in either black or white  or a combination of, and many came with elaborate masks, because after all….it as a BALL…………The middle top outfit was a Ballet Neck 3/4 sleeve sweater, heavily beaded with cupped and tear drop shaped sequins that fluttered. The LACE SKIRT was also re-embroidered with the same cup sequins. Though there are different color lace swatches and sequins the buyers bought it in black only [it was reordered the following year}. I still have this sample as Jac wore it on occasion…….The blouse below was in a beautiful georgette. The RUCHED COLLAR had hooks and tiny covered buttons on the collar, and the hidden placket down the front hid the buttons underneath. It came with a separate scarf to tie as you like. I showed it under the tweed blazer as an ascot…………The next jacket was in suede. It had a zip front. It was the beautiful “long Stitch” emb that stole the show! I just saw it on ebay. It said brand new with labels…..Who has stored these brand new clothes all of these years? They always seem to be from the same seller…..Since the jacket is so many years old I always question the condition of the suede. Suede is better with age if it is worn or it can dry and get stiff. Has anyone purchased a suede jacket from ebay that is more than 10 years old?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. April

    Thx, CGee, for that info. i knew it was Kay Graham, but if I’d known the rest, as we were living in the DMV in ’06 and went to a lot of events in DC during those years, I surely would have bought LDO’s wonderful take on that look and swanned around town in it proudly. Kay was a hero for those working in or in proximity to journalists. I don’t know how I missed that.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      April….the Black and White Ball was way before I did this sweater. I saved that picture in my inspiration file for a long time. The event may have been in the 70’s….I don’t remember.

      1. April

        Yes, Capote threw that renowned party in 1966, I believe, but in DC, Kay Graham is so revered that if anyone had admired my outfit (like THAT wouldn’t have happened) I would have had a really good story to share about it, & very well might have brought you some business!

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          The Black and White Ball was in Nov. of 66 at the Plaza Hotel in NYC…..it was the year I graduated from High School.

  2. CGee

    Yes, the Black and White Ball was in honor of The Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, of Pentagon Papers and Watergate fame. I think the dress was a copy of a Balmain? Love your take on it!

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