………………………….When I presented my July 07 sketches to my buyer, which changed quite often…..I decided to do the sketches like a runway show…..They loved it! This whole collection was very me, and something I would have shown at Anne Klein!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Cela

    Absolutely, Louis this is how your “Coffee Table” Book
    could look!!! It’s a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL cover!!! Especially with the luxe fabric swatches in the background. I love it! Don’t You love it ? A close up
    Of beautiful Jac and a dedication to her. You nailed it Louis if you don’t like the idea just ignore. You know me. I get so excited!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Cela….it’s a lovely idea….and if a book should ever come about it would definitely be dedicated to Jac

      1. Cela

        I hope it does. I don’t think that American designers get nearly enough credit, even if they were invited (as you were) to the White House . American sportswear, pieces that mix and match, and are pulled together by
        Chic outerwear, is a unique concept copied throughout
        Europe. The idea of taking a jacket from one outfit and
        Wearing it with a different outfit is an American concept.
        My mother used to tell me if you got it together keep it that way, how things changed, when a new breed of designer took center stage! I hope we see a day when things are Made in America again.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Cela…there are small specialty shops in the NY area that do manufacture very expensive clothing. All of Anne Klein was made in America and some in Italy [the sweaters], but there will never be a time when less expensive clothes like Line are made here again. That time is gone. There are no fabric companies in the US anymore so all fabric would have to be imported, and that in its’ self would make the clothes too costly.

  2. Seyma

    Louis, the third jacket from the right, what would it cost in 2007 at QVC?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Seyma, I really don’t remember. I do remember they were ridiculously inexpensive. Tariffs, and taxes were low. The costs of fabric and labor were also very low. For sure it was under $90. I just remember being shocked at how low the prices were. These were really the “Glory Days”!

  3. Karen in WI

    Wow, so very lovely, Louis. I wish I had been there for this, but I am enjoying getting to see all of your creations. Hugs!

  4. Grace

    EXQUISITE. Every. single. piece. I also was working long hours at the university and somehow missed this collection during this timeframe:( If only we could turn back time for so many reasons big and small…

  5. Joanne C

    I am loving this retrospective! I am glad I was smart enough to purchase so much Linea. I also like the retrospective because I can see your original presentations and see new ways to wear your clothing. Thank you.

  6. Pecan Cookie

    I didn’t have QVC back then and was working so much I didn’t want to look at a computer when I got home. Bummer to have missed these early pieces of artistry but glad for the time you were discovered and my resulting closet. Be well, Louis. I think of you these days in your studio sketching, painting and when taking a break, sipping a glass of chardonnay looking out over the beautiful sound. Can’t wait to see the “next!” Cheers!

  7. Sierra

    The whole collection is very me as well. Wow

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