Coming in May, I will be bringing to you a choice of THREE WATCHES. The style number for all three is ….J277865……….You will choose, from the top down……IVORY……….TORTOISE………CLEAR………….. You could consider these BOYFRIEND WATCHES, because of the larger case. Each watch will have an extender link. The exact measurements will be listed when the watch is posted on the LINEA JEWELRY site. ……………Instead of doing three different colors or shades of tortoise, I thought it would be more EXCITING to offer you three totally DIFFERENT MATERIALS…………………..scroll down for more pictures of each watch……………………………………………………………………………….enjoy………..much Love………………………Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Carol

    Outstanding! Are the colored links in the watches resin?

    I’m getting all three! Cannot make a choice. Too good to pass up.


  2. Kate

    What are the functions of the sub dials?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      They are all fake….just for the look. If all of those dials functioned the watch would be four times as expensive.

      1. Kate

        Well they do look real!

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