……………………GOOD NEWS!!!!! This HOOP reorder….J407814…..is back in stock on the Linea QVC Jewelry site in ALL COLORS……..GOLD……SILVER……ROSE GOLD………made in Italy! I know, from inquires, that many of you have been hoping they would be back…..and they literally were just posted yesterday…..Not only are they PERFECT….for you, but anyone you may want to get a present for…………The reviews of this super light hoop are all stellar…..FIVE STAR!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Joanne C

    I love these earrings. I own all three silver, yellow gold and rose gold. I have given them as gifts to my favorite girlfriends, They love them also, These earrings are perfect and so classy.

  2. Angela

    Love these earrings 😍

  3. Donna from California

    Louis, The earrings do not show up if you look up Louis Dell’Olio jewelry. I had to put in the item number in order to find them. Just saying that the average shopper won’t have the item number and may miss them. Not good for sales. I just ordered and am excited to receive them!!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Thank you…I just updated my post to make it easier for them to understand. They can always do as you did and put in the style number in the search bar which is actually quicker.

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