ottoman suit1

This is the suit, or I should say, the color of the suit that Jac has……did you really think it would be any other??? I know some of the pictures look like Charcoal grey, but that’s because of the flash. When I turned the flash off you couldn’t see anything!…..I paired the BLACK with the new TOPAZ  jewel neck WK SWEATER………..TOPAZ and BLACK is one of MY favorite color combinations….I just think it looks rich. Since the zipper on the jacket happens to be GUNMETAL I chose my NEW DOUBLE SIDED CROSS, which just happens to have a TOPAZ stone on one side and a BLACK stone on the other…..did you think it was just a coincidence!!!???….Unfortunately….the Gunmetal SWIRL earring has already sold out in both pierced and clip….but who knows maybe someone will return  a pair….so keep looking.  The SILVER is still avail in one of the versions and the GOLD is avail in both , but EXTREMELY limited!!!  I will also have a GUNMETAL button earring with a TOPAZ stone in the middle, so you may have another chance at a GUNMETAL earring. I will also have one other TOPAZ and GUNMETAL long necklace to mix with the cross….The Gunmetal LOVE KNOTS, now back in stock, look great with this cross too……many alternatives…………The pant is  new and will also be on the Aug 26th show…..I believe on the 11pm show, but don’t hold me to it….things change at the last minute……………..The BLACK OTTOMAN SKIRT is a fabulous separate skirt….it will work with many things, and give interest to your jersey WK sweaters…….. This skirt may be a knit, but as I said before, it has a lot of structure so you will feel very secure wearing it. You can never have enough variety with BLACK SKIRTS……………………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………………………………..enjoy……………much Love …………………..Louis

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. jmarie

    Just stunning. Period.

    I have an old AK cotton knit jacket, maybe ottoman, not sure because the rib isn’t so pronounced, but a substantial unlined knit, that I wear constantly.

    I’ll pass on the spruce as I enjoy your spruce boucle suit of a few years back. But the grey and black are must haves.

    Question: Would it look “not quite” right mixed with the WK pencil skirts (or pants!), or even the wool blend extra long pencil skirt of a past year? Even matching black to black or grey to grey? I could easily see a non-matching color WK skirt and T-neck to either jacket, but sometimes the matching color but different textures just seems off. Do you think it would work in this case?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear jmarie;….absolutely, absolutely, absolutely…..these ottoman jacket should be considered as a separate, NOT JUST A SUIT. Every single way you have described will be GREAT….and don’t forget black and grey jeans!!!

      1. jmarie

        Make me jeans and I’ll wear them!!!! Believe it or not, I don’t own a pair! Thanks!

  2. Julia


  3. enjay

    I’m insane about this suit! Don’t know how I’ll decide between the black and that killer grey!

  4. Pamela

    A ‘must’ have in the Black!

  5. Kate

    OMG, I know I use the word “chic” perennially when describing your clothes, but I don’t know how else to describe this suit, especially in black.

    I’m imaging it just zipped up and worn alone without a blouse or sweater under it (or just a sliver of a silky slippy thing to contrast the texture), with super high Manolo patent pumps and some sort of envelope clutch.


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