Holiday bracelet 2013

I thought I would re-post this picture of the JET BEAD BRACELETS, J284044, since so many of you have picked up the GLASS JET BEAD 72 inch necklace. I know some of you were worried that it would be too big….not to worry. I suggest you read the reviews, all positive, from women with different wrist sizes who were all happy with the way it fit. I personally love this bracelet stacked with multiples or with other black and metal or solid metal bangles…..the more the MERRIER………………………Happy Holidays……………….Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Barbara in Virginia

    Louis, I’m another of the small wrist group and have indeed read the reviews. Our youngest just got married and has returned to school while working part time. I put this bracelet in the black/gold on my Wish List for him. I’ll probably buy a second one as I love multiple bangles but of course will hide that away until Christmas. 🙂

  2. Carol

    I’m of tiny wrist group, these fit me perfectly as a loose bangle, but one that won’t slip off over my hand. There isn’t a watch on the planet that fits me right out of the box, so trust me when I say this is not too big for the small hands crowd.

    I went back for more after getting the first one delivered. They look really good stacked up with each other and with other bangles.


  3. Goldie76

    Louis, this bracelet is one of those pieces that is so extraordinarily attractive that I marvel at its beauty and harmony. Yes, harmony. There is nothing else to call its lovely balance of concept, materials and beauty. This original-looking bracelet is one of those pieces that I expect to be snatched up immediately, so I am surprised there are some remaining. Remarkable work. You have spoiled us, of that, there is no doubt.

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