
The NAVY BOYFRIEND CARDIGAN,  MOCK NECK & TANK. This is my LINEA NAVY that many of you love for its’ dept of color and darkness…..for me a TRUE NAVY BLUE. I realize that all designers have different opinions about what NAVY should look like, but if you have ever seen a REAL NAVY PEA JACKET…..they are DARK & DEEP…..they are not blue or royal……..This should blend with all of your LINEA navies. I say blend because I simply can not guarantee a perfect match from dye lot to dye lot. Every time I repeat a color….any color….the factory sends new lab dips for me to approve? I say use the same color as before…but each time the dye stuffs,[that’s what they are called], have to be remade….so new lab dips to OK……..and the swatches sent are barely 1 inch….and  most times less!…….It ain’t easy folks…..but that goes with the territory…it isn’t all fun and games and drawing pretty pictures!!…LOL/…….Above I have, in some pictures, both the mock neck and the cardigan BELTED…..just another option……………..Yes that is the …….HORSE BIT NECKLACE in the LINEA GOLD which will coordinate with the new SUPER HOOP and will be avail soon???…………scroll down………………………………………..enjoy…..enjoy……………………….much Love…………………………………………………….. Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    All of these cardigans, tanks & mock necks are making my head spin!! 🙂 I want to know about the horse-bit necklace– the length?; matte vs bright gold? Pretty please?? Is it opera length? 36″?
    Thanks so much for these sneak peeks!


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I didn’t measure it but I think it is 36 and it is in the matte Linea gold.

      1. Carmille

        I love the Linea Matte Gold! It is beautiful. Even better!

      2. Chris/Jazzmom

        Excellent on both questions!! Love opera length and the matte gold color!

  2. Carmille

    Love this Louis! I need a new navy cardigan and cami. And you are showing my horsebit necklace! Yay!! I am chomping at the bit (pun intended)for it! Can’t wait!

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