Sneak Peak #5

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“SNEAK PEEK #4” is  of the A219791, pucker jacket and the A219792, matching skirt. The jacket shape is very similar to the A210370, graphite essential jacket. There will always be slight differences due to the different fabrics and the way they feel, however they are similar enough to order the same size. The weight of the jacket and skirt make it suitable for at least 3 seasons. This jacket, unlike the graphite one, has long sleeves. The V-neckline is high enough to be able to wear with nothing under it but, it looks great with a variety of tops under it too…….from a simple tank or cami to the silver and black sequin shell, A218568 [pictured above], the silver lurex top , to the new python print jersey top A219799……but that will get it’s own sneak peek. The jacket has body seams from the shoulder to the hem so the fit glides along the shape of your body without being tight or boxy. You can see in the background the texture of this unique fabric. The nature of the fabric is super soft and very light weight even though it tailors very well. The button was created exclusively for this jacket and has a great weight so it feels expensive. There are three beautiful bound buttons which is a sure sign of quality. There are vertical  band pockets that are aprox. 3/8ths of an inch wide and melt away into the fabric. It is totally lined. The skirt is a simple slim skirt with a side zipper and a narrow 5/8ths inch bias waist band. This skirt may be simple but it also make a fabulous separate skirt…… don’t think you can only wear it with the matching jacket….for example: the  black suede zip front jacket with knit trims, the black python print and the black pucker skirt….the spruce green suede jacket the green python and the green pucker skirt [in photo above]………mix your textures! The colors  for both pieces are Black and Spruce Green. The most accurate color of the green is the small photo in the upper right, [the close up is much too light due to the flash. Notice the Linea Gray pearls on the black suit [there are two strands doubled up] The dark green pearls are also perfect with the Spruce Green suit. Of course the Byzantine necklace and cross is spectacular on the green and these pictures do not do them justice. I also have the new black pant [from sneak peek #1]  with the black jacket and the sequin top. I love the sequin and/ or the silver lurex top with the black jacket for those special occasions c0ming up and they don’t clash with the button……which is a small but important detail. I know you are going to love this suit for so many reasons: the easy style and care, great for travel, the comfort and the fact that it looks like you paid a small fortune for it. If I saw a woman walking into a room and I knew nothing about this outfit…..I would certainly think  she was wearing an expensive designer suit……………..enjoy……………much Love, Louis

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. upallnight1

    I really like the two gray necklaces together. I bought the black and gold bead necklace. I thought it looked so rich and elegant, but lonely. I was lucky enough to pick up a second one the other day. I can’t wait to play with them both.

    1. louisdellolio

      I so glad you were second necklace before they sold out. “Lonely” is the right word. Most of the time I like two or three necklaces of the same kind or mixed and sometimes more depending on what they are. The black and gold beard necklaces look especially good with the pearl/gold beard and black bead necklaces. Never be afraid to mix it up……regards, Louis

  2. Victoria

    My Oh My Oh MY…talent will out every time….Louis Louis Louis! When I see the quality and excellence in design of these pieces, it makes me wonder what is in the brains of QVC fashion division that are not lauding you everyday in everyway! There is not a piece that is not on trend for a 25 year old with a clue about fashion or a heart breaker for those of us who want elegant clothing that moves our days into evening with style. Everywhere I look in these sneaks I don’t want one, but multiples of the same item for nearly every item.

    I am sorry we can’t buy them now, so I can take a few items with me when I travel over the holidays…just worried they won’t arrive before I leave based on current presentation dates. But no worry I will be buying whenever I can get them.

    Thank you…you are an enormous talent!…I know we say that a lot, but these sneaks keep reminding me…how lucky we are to have to at the Q! Bravo Louis!

    1. Victoria

      I, of course, meant to say lucky we are to have YOU at the Q!:))

    2. louisdellolio

      Dear Victoria,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. My work is to design clothes for women and when I receive a letter like yours it is so up lifting. To know what I do is appreciated…only makes me want to do more……Again, thank you!…….Louis

  3. enjay

    Louis, I’m drooling over that python top. Wow that piece is a knockout! And pretty please – while you’re sneaking us some peaks – can you please sneak in A218574, the waterfall cascade sequin top? That one has been on my radar ever since you mentioned it months ago, when I asked if any sequins were coming.

    1. louisdellolio

      No problem…..what sneak would you like first the sequin or the python?

      1. kate

        butting in here (of course) to ‘suggest’ the python!

      2. enjay

        Well since we already got a pre-sneak sneak of the python … the sequin, please? And you are the best – we’d be crazy about you even if you didn’t make such divine clothes!

  4. Lynn

    Thank you for this latest sneak peak! This pucker fabric suit looks fantastic! Thank you, too, for showing one suit with two strands of the upcoming pearls. We had been discussing on the QVC Linea Forum whether or not two strands of these fabulous pearls would be too much. I think it looks bold and striking — but not too over the top. Thanks again!

    1. louisdellolio

      Dear Lynn,
      I definitely don’t think it’s too much. I always like to mix two or three things together even if it’s two of the same thing as the pearls or the chain necklaces….multi layers…..multi textures. It wouldn’t hurt to have two of your favorite color anyway….just in case. I also love the colors of pearls mixed together…i.e. the gray and green……..enjoy, Louis

  5. Cathy

    Oh, Louis!

    I was so sure I wouldn’t care for the pucker fabric, figured I was safe … and can’t ABIDE anything that even HINTS of snakes (oooh that’s even hard to type …) and ….. I’m in SO much trouble … and FINALLY a peak at the lovely lovely lovely Spruce Green Suede … THANK YOU! It will be Spruce Greens for me all the way I think. Q has gone from saying “no idea if or when we will ever get that in” to “we think we might be able to get for you in 3 weeks or so” … LOL! I WILL WAIT. Meanwhile I’m giving the Olive Green Brushed Cotton Jacket a workout this week; looks fantastic with everything, and so comfortable; we want lots more colors; who do we contact … I’ll be glad to take on that mission LOL

    These sneak peaks are like a front row invitation to a showing at Fashion Week in NYC; now if we could only convince Q to have a live runway show … :)))

    Regards and Thanks Again,

    Cathy in PA

    1. louisdellolio

      Dear Cathy,
      I know how you feel about snakes……I HATE them!!! When I see one on TV…the Nature Channel…I can’t click the remote fast enough. However, they do have beautiful markings…they also make nice shoes, bags and belts! LOL
      The only thing I can suggest about the olive jacket is to start a thread on the QVC Fashion forum about how much you love the jacket and that you would like to see it reordered……….regards, Louis

      1. Cathy

        Hmmm; well I’ve commented on many of the threads, made up a dream travel wardrobe on one thread of all Linea and everyone wanted to travel with me :), reviewed, but I didn’t start a thread of my own. Maybe that WOULD catch more attention if the buyers read the threads … I’ll try that. I imagine another new thread, with fantasy Linea wardrobes to wonderful places we imagine going … and the ladies could add their dream wardrobes for their own trips … that would be fun. Probably the more threads, the more attention, the more sales, the more choices …

        LOL: I turn the channel too, and if I turn the page of a book and there’s a photo … but Python top is SO SO SO pretty; can’t wait to see all the colors, but the Spruce Green will have to be mine for sure, and thanks so much for the peek at the suede! Also love the details: little higher neckline and overlap is so nice; yesterday I wore a similar wrap/ruched top and the darn thing was coming open all day long. Even tried the sticky tape trick … nope!

        I’m also so curious about the new sequin top, as I missed the last drape neck one (on waitlist of course, but so far no luck).

        Thank you again for making us FEEL beautiful; we so appreciate your talents and skills; it is so apparent in every garment that you bring to us. I’m off to write threads; watch for me, coming to a Q near you …

        Cathy in PA

  6. Nancy ( smilesalot)

    Dear Louis,

    The colors! The jewels! My head is spinning!
    Thank you so much for giving us some time to moon over these items and try to figure out how to choose!
    I’m smitten with everything. Breathtaking, really!

  7. Carmille

    No kidding Carlytwila! These suits are beautiful! And the jewelry is so stunning shown with them. I want both! This pucker fabric looks very chic! How exciting! And the jewelry is a must have to go with! Yikes, I am in trouble!!!!

  8. Susan (aka Carlytwila)

    I love it ALL – I am officially a Linea ‘junkie’. 🙂

    1. Sherry in KS


  9. MH-MN

    I’m breathless. Oh, my!

  10. Barbara in Virginia

    Be still my heart….I’m already planning to wear the green suit with the gold ball necklace at our Festival Eucharist Christmas Eve, always a celebratory service with festive tambourines,brass horns, and much Christmas cheer at midnight. The service ends, we all exchange Christmas greetings and hugs and kisses, and return home with our families who have traveled far to be with us.

  11. Chris/Jazzmom

    I love the green pucker suit with the python blouse– it gives a hint of python without it being very obvious!! Can you show us the navy python one in the next sneak peak? Maybe with the perfectly pink longer skirt? 🙂
    You are the best!

  12. Marcia

    The suit is beautiful- wish i could get it right now. Hard to choose between the black and green. The python blose is fantastic. I agree- who wouldn’t want to look like this!

  13. Sherry in KS

    WOW! The “pucker” fabric is fabulous. Love the gray pearls on the black.

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