
………………………………..The V NECKS are coming….the V NECKS are coming………actually they are already here and are ready for ordering, and some have already pulled the trigger and have received them. Out of all the styles I have done in WK this classic long sleeve V-neck sweater is definitely one of the most popular…..This season I am introducing three new wonderful colors that should work for almost everyone….however, there is always some who can’t wear a certain shade no mater how pretty it is………………This is………………………..PURE PINK…………………and is very different from my Perfectly Pink………The Pure Pink is a bluer cooler pink whereas the Perfectly Pink is warmer with a peach undertone……both beautiful colors that will work with different skin tones……..Pink is a season-less color that is one of the most flattering colors you can wear………The light it reflects on the face give a certain softness that no other color can…………think pink light bulbs…….Above….my FROSTED PINK BEADS necklace is just the right shade to enhance the sweater…….A pair of heather or solid  grey pants for everyday wear…..and for the Holidays a pair of black velvet slim pants or leggings with velvet ballet slippers would be ideal for an at home party………….Who wouldn’t love a pretty pink sweater as a gift….no matter what age the recipient is……………………………………….enjoy………………………….much Love……………………………..Louis

Linea Complete Collection (Apparel, Jewelry, etc.)
Website: http://qvc.co/LineaCollection

Linea New Arrivals (Apparel, Jewelry, etc.)
Website: http://qvc.co/NewLinea



This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Rebecca

    Louis, I have this in the pure pink (got it as soon as it came out) and LOVE this pink! It’s so flattering. I even prefer it over perfectly pink. I LOVE this style – it’s my favorite whisper knit piece.

  2. Sharon

    Louis has this sweater been available in pink before? I found one with the same stock number in my drawer so I don’t want to order another one. I know you said pure pink so maybe the one I have is perfectly pink.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Sharon….I don’t recall it, but if you own it it’s the perfectly pink. The pure pink is a different color, but I don’t think you need both pinks.

  3. judy

    Louis, What is the item number for the V-necks?

    1. Jeancp

      I can answer this one ! A217629

      1. Judy

        tHank you, jean pockets.

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