Sneak Peek # 4 is actually an old friend! It is the A87423, cotton acrylic mock neck, elbow sleeve sweater. Blogs have been posted, letters to TPTB have been written….all to bring back this little, sweet sweater. The returning colors are WHITE,  BLACK and HOT PINK…..the new color is PERFECTLY PINK! This sweater was going to be retired because the factory refused to make it at the same price. I begged and pleaded, on your behalf, to bring it back even at a higher price. The question was asked on the Fashion Forum, “would you pay more for this sweater?” and many of you blogged that it was such a great sweater you would pay more for it. So you may ask how come the price is the same? Let’s just say……it’s a gift from my manufacturer and myself. Why is this a Customer Top Rated sweater? I have been told by you….you love the fit of the body and neck and you love the weight of this sweater. That IS what makes this a special sweater and one you will NOT see anywhere, let alone on QVC. This is known as an “Every Needle Rib” construction and it takes double the amount of yarn to make as apposed to a jersey knit sweater. During my 20 years at Anne Klein I went to Italy 4 to 5 times a year just to work on the sweaters  directly in the mills. Making sweaters is a totally different language and education from regular “cut and sew” garments. Creating sweaters is definitely one of my loves. ENR is becoming a thing of the past due to costs rising and I’m not sure if this sweater will see another day….it’s really up to how successful this one does. I really don’t have to go into the positive aspects of this sweater…..you all have told me. If you haven’t tried one…..this is the time……it’s a little GEM……………….P.S. the crop pant in all the photos is new….it’s cotton sateen and it’s coming in April…..that’s all I’m saying…..except it’s a GEM too!…..Louis

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Mary

    Are the crop pants in the sneak peek similar to A89801? Those were before my time and I never had a chance to buy.

    Thank you for the mock neck – another item I wished for and missed out on. I ordered the Black and Perfectly Pink.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Hi Mary,
      The pants are very similar. The old ones were made in a SATIN cotton and had a high sheen. These new ones are in my cotton sateen, like my printed blazers and have less of a sheen…….Louis

      1. Mary

        Dear Louis,

        Thank you! I love those blazers – that’s just what I wanted to hear.

  2. Celia

    This sweater is one of THE best in style and quality, and is SO worth the efforts to “keep it around!”

  3. Nancy

    Thanks Louis. I’m jumping for at least 3 of them. I LOVE the stretch and the cut of the neck on this one. I love that the white is not see-through. I love the sleeves that actually do entirely cover the upper arm. Had extremely sad to see it retired…

  4. Sheesh

    Hi, Louis. Just wanted to say hi and thanks for all you do…we appreciate it so much. And if we haven’t told you lately that we love you—we do, we do, we do! All the best to you and Jac…

    Always, Sheesh

    1. upallnight1

      Ditto! 🙂

  5. Chris/Jazzmom

    Is that navy or black those crops under the perfectly pink mockneck? My eyes can’t tell!

      1. Chris/Jazzmom

        Woo hoo!! Thank you!

        1. upallnight1

          Ditto! The white and navy are mine!

  6. Carol

    I’ve already worn my perfectly pink. I wore it under the p. pink vest front cardigan. I belted the mockneck with a vintage AK pink stretch belt with lionhead buckle. Added the chain necklace/bracelet, black knit skirt, black tights and black high heeled stretch boots. I looked completely ready for business.

    You know one of the best features of this sweater is the elbow length sleeve. No one should be without this basic. The white will be perfect under the green and blue pea jackets and the new khaki zipper jacket.

    Love cotton sateen. Hope we’re getting more choices than black and white.


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